Founder & President
Therapeutic Arts Science and Growth Mindset (TASGM)
an acronym her children chose, with the intention of spreading education, and showing that wellness can be found within the realms of arts & science. She also wanted to share that meditation can be done in different ways and not needing to following only one discipline of meditation, which may not work for everyone. ‘The arts are already therapeutic, but if we can show individuals how to use the already existing tools we have within reach to help practice releasing anxiety and stress, wouldn’t you want to learn how to do this in a fun way?
Growing up Sheila spent a considerable amount of time babysitting and a lot of her teen years were spent volunteering at children’s camps and Reston Hospital. Being the oldest child and oldest cousin in a large family, she needed to find creative ways to entertain them. She took on many leadership roles in High School and College and while growing her post collegiate career, she ended up in Technology Project Management. She has taught pres-school, teens, and adults in many subjects, but her journey led to the idea of TASGM.
With a variety of experiences and skills including being a Reiki Master Teacher and Integrated Energy Therapy Practitioner, Sheila has focused on growing TASGM as a Therapeutic Art Life Coach. In 4 years, and what began as a small experiment, TASGM has grown and evolved. Sheila also designs, executes, pilots, shares and accepts feedback for all the workshops and curriculum. Her background education includes a Bachelors of Science Degree in Electrical Engineering from George Mason University and an MBA in Technology Management where she has used her science background and experience to modify workshop curriculum to include more science related curriculum and loves to demonstrate that the idea that art and science go hand in hand. She is passionate about teaching meditation, mindful-ness and the value of using art & science as tools to help free minds from stress, anxiety and negative thoughts. Most of all she enjoys the workshops because they are also designed to help invoke creativity and imagination, encourage confidence and motivation and to inspire ideas and curiosity and to have fun while learning.
Developmental Psychologist & Lead Instructor
Lead Instructor
Assistant Instructor & Mentor